Stress Right Your wellness matters
Personal Stress
Executive Stress
If your stress/anxiety is caused by home life, friends, family, others or work colleagues, click the button below for more information and then contact me for the solution.
If your stress/anxiety is caused by the day to day challenges you face as a manager at work, click the button below for more information and then contact me for the solution.
Relationship problems
Children issues
Money worries
Being bullied at home or work
Colleague relationship issues
Unresolved childhood issues
Health worries
Caring for a parent/loved one
Self harming
Lost of job
Body image
Being lost in the crowd
Not fitting in
Lack of self-confidence
Panic attacks
Not sleeping
Eating disorders
Stomach upsets
Emotional at the drop of a hat
Mood swings
Feel like you are losing control
Lack of motivation
Low self worth
Don't want to be here
You lack confidence in your ability
Feel like your stuck in a rut?
Your team aren't delivering your vision
Your team are failing to hit targets
Team members are holding you back
Your team aren't working as a team
Workload seems unmanageable
You find it difficult to prioritise
You're overly worried about targets
Feels like you're on a treadmill getting nowhere
Imposter syndrome, feeling you don't belong
You're losing control of your team
Lack confidence when under the spotlight
Frightened by the responsibility of your role
Frightened by the expectations of your role
Lack of sleep
Panic attacks
Loss of appetite
Mood swings
You want to run away and hide
Going to work with the feeling of dread
High blood pressure
Stomach upsets
Unable to concentrate
Unable to stay focused on the task in hand
Nervous cough
We all need a little stress in our lives, it motivates us, helps to keep us safe and fires our emotions. Ideally, it should come and go like the challenges we face day to day. However, if the challenges or traumas don't go, the raised levels of stress will be increasingly harmful to our overall health.
I'm happy to use Messenger, Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp.
This allows you to be in surroundings that you are comfortable in and in the current climate with Covid-19 restrictions helps to keep you safe.
Call 07767826255 or click on the buttons below to arrange an initial chat, you've nothing to lose.