
Improving Workplace Wellness, delivering enhanced Attendance, Loyalty, Morale and Productivity
By Partnering you'll find out how healthy your employees are, you'll also provide invaluable support for those who need it.

You have contracts with your employees to perform their roles to the best of their ability for the agreed hours of work and for this you have also agreed to pay them. So the burning question is, how many of your employees are performing to the best of their ability?

How many of your employee's are suffering from stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental health issues?

How many have come to you and said, "boss, I'm not myself at the moment and therefore cant give you 100% so you'll need to reduce my pay accordingly", none! How many employees do you have on sick leave that with the correct support could be back making you money instead of costing you money!

Wellness in the workplace and work-related stress are such common terms in today's working world. 

The Health and Safety Executive are toughening up on workplace wellbeing, making sure that businesses are not actually making their employees ill and supporting those who need it. We're all used to the slips and trips etc. Health and Safety, but wellness in the workplace or workplace wellbeing which ever you prefer, should be viewed differently. Normal Health and Safety is viewed by and large as covering yourself so that your employee's and visitors to your premises don't sue you! A crude and basic synopsis I know, but when you look properly at wellness in the workplace, you will realise that you have hidden costs throughout your business that can be reduced and turned into productive assets.

Do you have the following?
  • Policies relating to stress in the workplace
  • Policies relating to anxiety and employee wellbeing
  • Risk assessments for stress and anxiety
  • Procedures to deal with the above
  • Enough trained employees to identify the signs and symptoms in colleagues
  • Resources to provide the appropriate level of support
  • Regular stress/wellness surveys to identify trends
I work with business owners and senior management teams to ensure that the business gets the best from its employee's, which in turn also takes care of the employee's wellbeing.

I also have some clients that engage me to carry out one to ones with their employees, this is to see if they have any issues that are or may affect their work. These sessions are confidential and between the individual and myself, unless the individual wishes me to talk to the business on their behalf. Often the employees discuss areas within their business that they feel could be improved but do not have the confidence to approach their managers with. This is an area where the surveys come in to their own, again completely anonymous, which gives the employees the confidence to say what they feel. 

Some of the feedback from past surveys have highlighted; where there is miscommunication, poor management skills, a lack of respect (both ways), what motivates the individual employees to do a good job, sickness traits, personality traits, work-related stress, anxious employees, depressed employees and much more useful information.

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