Stevie's Story

This is my story.

From my earliest memories I would come home from school and find my mum slumped in her chair unable to stand up. I would often have to clean up where she had been sick from how much she had drunk or taken. My dad worked but was often off sick if he'd had too much to drink the night before or sometimes because he had taken to much and couldn't wake up or focus in the morning.

I use to get up first and sort out breakfast for my sister and I and put something together for school lunches. School was tough, because of our situation we didn't have the nicest of clothes or clothes that fitted properly so we were teased a lot and bullied. I remember coming home one time and we couldn't get in because the backdoor was locked. I climbed in through the downstairs toilet window, when I walked through to the living room both my parents were out of it and there was two other people who I didn't know who were both in a heap on the floor. I let my sister in and we both set about clearing up. This was probably the worst I'd ever seen them, both of them had had an accident which made it particularly difficult to deal with. Sometimes I would find needles as well, looking back now I don't know how I coped but it just seemed normal. I really loved sports and I think this is what got me through.

Most of my sports kits came from hand me downs and charity shops. Although my sister was older than me she didn't want to mix with others and would spend most of her time in her bedroom reading. I met a boy through sport and to start with we got on really well, I never took him back to my home because I was so embarrassed about how it looked, smelt and of course not knowing what to expect when walking in. On my 16th birthday my boyfriend pushed for sex which I didn't really want to do but in the end he got violent so I gave in. I had no idea what to do and it didn't really last very long, when he finished he said he had things to do and sent me home. I can remember it as clear as anything, it wasn't enjoyable at all. I fell pregnant! As you can imagine my parents weren't best pleased but also in a strange way seemed rather matter of fact about it. The boy in question as soon as I told him that I was pregnant didn't want to know and after the baby was born he became more distant and when I did see him he was quite violent towards both of us.

I got in touch with a distant aunty and told her what had gone on, initially she seemed rather offish but I put that down to the fact that I was nearly 18 and had only ever seen her twice. She said that they moved away because she couldn't cope with the life her sister wanted of drink and drugs. After a few months she suggested that I could move in with her and she would help me get myself and the baby sorted. I was apprehensive to start with until I ask the boy to man up and take control of his responsibilities, he punched me in the face and told me to F off and never to contact him again. I went home to clean my face up and found both my parents and my sister drugged up to their eyeballs, I put everything in my car and left for my aunts not knowing if my old banger would make it that far but it did. My old boss who owned the shop I worked in saw my face and when I told him that I'd had enough and was going away, he opened the till and gave me some money to help me. I told him where I was going and that he shouldn't tell anyone which he promised to do and he also said that he would contact his cousin who had a shop near my aunts and he would give me some work.

Things are so much better now, it's not been easy at my aunts but so much better than it was. My little girl is going to grow up being loved and cared for, I've decided to draw a line over the rest of my family as I don't need them or their habits in my or my baby's life. The friends I have made seem really nice and don't pry, I have told them a little as to why I moved away from home and they can't believe I ever put up with it in the first place. Thing is, I grew up with it, it seemed normal, no I didn't like it but I knew no different, even my boyfriend was like it. If I can give anyone a little advice from my experience it would be, "if you are unhappy with how you are being treated, don't be afraid to reach out". As hard as it may seem there is a better future for you, you just need to take the first step. I didn't deserve the childhood I had but I didn't know that until now. I hope to move into my own flat soon, it's a council flat for now but I think I owe it to my aunty. She has been amazing and helps out with childcare whilst I'm working and mini me loves her and pops to bits.

Obviously, there was more to my story but some of it is still quite raw and upsetting but I think you'll get the gist of it.

Stand up for yourself you are worth more.


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